
A full featured class for Javascript

Basic Class Syntax

Note you can use a shorten version of members definitions that is the following:

            // in order: 
            // attributes, return type, property name, property value
            a: "protected static", r: "string", n: "myFunc",v: function() { 
                return "sample string";

But in following examples we will use the full syntax for a better understanding

How to create an abstract class:

var $ = HWCore; // just an alias of HWCore

var FirstName = $.Class({
    // specify class modifiers
    // it can also be a string separated by spaces: "public abstract"
    // NOTE: public could also be omitted in this case
    type: ["public", "abstract"],
    members: [
            name: "firstName",
            val: "Foo",
            attributes: "protected"
            name: "getFirstName",
            val: function () {
                return this.i.firstName;
            attributes: "public"  // you could omit , public is default

How to create a final class:

var LastName = $.Class({type: "final", members: [
            name: "lastName",
            val: "Bar",
            attributes: "private"
            name: "getLastName",
            val: function () {
                return this.i.lastName;
            name: "setLastName",
            val: function (lName) {
                this.i.lastName = lName;

How to create a class that extends “FirstName” and use “LastName”:

var MyName = $.Class({
    type: "final",
    base: FirstName,
    use: LastName, // it can be also an array of classes
    members: [
            name: "nickName",
            val: "baz",
            retType: String,  // it's the type-hinting , you can force data-type for this var
            attributes: ["private", "static"] // you can also use a space-separated string
            name: "__construct",
            val: function (firstName, lastName, nickName) {
                this.i.firstName = firstName;
                this._s.nickName = nickName;
            attributes: "public"
            // override FirstName method to add nickname too
            name: "getFirstName",
            val: function () {
                return this.__super() + " ( " + this._s.nickName + " )";
            name: "getNickName",
            val: function () {
                return this._s.nickName;
            attributes: ["public", "static"],
            retType: "string" // you can force a specified data-type to be returned

var myName = new MyName("Hello", "World", "I'm a Class");

// you can compare your class instance with its base
    console.log(myName instanceof FirstName); // true

    console.log(myName.getFirstName()); // it prints Hello ( I'm a Class )

    console.log(myName.getLastName()); // it prints "World"

// access to static members from instance using magic method __st
    console.log(myName.__st.getNickName());  // it prints I'm a Class

// access to static method directly from class name
    console.log(MyName.getNickName()); // it prints I'm a Class